Engineers On Wheels

Parent Activities


Fill in the missing words.
  • Grade Level: 2-5

Blockcoding Presentation

Coding with Sphero
  • Grade Level: 6-12


Can you copy the symbol?
  • Grade Level: K-1

Makey Makey

I can identify what is a conductor or insulator?
  • Grade Level: K-5

Marble Rollercoaster

I can use the engineering design process to construct a testable prototype.
  • Grade Level: K-5

Natural Resources

I can discover how natural resources can provide energy.
  • Grade Level: K-5

Robot Obstacle Course

I can use the engineering design process to construct a testable prototype.
  • Grade Level: K-5


I can discover how different types of rockets can be made using chemical reaction or water power.
  • Grade Level: K-5

Rascal and HiJinks Rockets Activity

Physics and Physical Science
  • Grade Level: 7-12

Rocket Activity

Comprehensive Science (1, 2, 3), Engineering, Physical Science, and Physics
  • Grade Level: 6-12

Roller Coaster Activity

Comprehensive Science (1,2,3), Physical Science, and Physics
  • Grade Level: 6-12

Sources of Energy

Comprehensive Science (1,2,3), Engineering, Physical Science, and Physics
  • Grade Level: 6-12

Sphero and Block Coding

Computer Science and Engineering
  • Grade Level: 7-12

Meteor Rocket Activity

Chemistry, Physical Science, and Physics
  • Grade Level: 7-12